
Thursday, May 24, 2012

On Replicating: Part 1

We've had the Replicator for a few weeks now and are definately still happy with the aquisiton. A few comments on the experience.
  • Setup is relatively simple thanks to the addition of a control panel to the stock machine. This complements the SD card for a "PC free" experience.
  • Most of the example files on the 2GB SD card utilize a raft. Obviously this is something we try to avoid due to the extra effort to remove. More on that later.
  • The stock Replicator settings in ReplicatorG are really quite good.The Print-O-Matic way of changing settings is a bit different. Layer height as a completely independent variable is really strange. It will be interesting to test the limits of this.
  • The utilities are mostly satisfying, allowing you to load and unload plastic and preheat. The biggest gripe I have is with the leveling function. The premise is that the platform isn't level after shipment. The leveling utility has the operator start the platform at its lowest level and slowly rotate the leveling screws at the four corners until you can barely scrape a business card under the nozzle. After a week of attempting this we found that adjustment during the print is still required, especially printing without a raft layer. After some trial and error we're very happy with the platform (now milled out of thick aluminum to ensure flatness). Hopefully the MKII Replicator will have a clever way to replace this tedious routine and make it even more appealing to the masses.

So far we've been printing with great confidence and the quality meets all expectations. More on these experiences to come.

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